I thought this was a completely original creative idea and then I discovered that lots of story times use this prop!

Our Story Time game break is determined by the roll of a giant dice (di?)

The 6 games on our Wiggleworms cube are….

(linked titles will take you to a video of the game/song)

1.  Ring Around the Rosie (Traditional)

Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes we all fall down.  The sheep are in the meadow eating buttercups, thunder, lightening, we all jump up!

2.  If You’re Happy and You Know It (Traditional)

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands, if you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!  (Mad – stomp feet, Sad – boo hoo, Excited – shout hooray!)

3.  Tude-At-Ti-Tude (camp song)

Add one step to each verse until you are a twisty pretzel:  Tude-at-ti-tude, at-ti-tude, at-ti-tude, (repeat) Thumbs Up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Tush back! Tongue out!  Spin around! Sit down!

4.  Jumping Song – from Jim Gill’s album Irrational Anthem

Jump, jump jump, jump, jumping is so fun, but we’ll stop jumping while we count to ONE!  (Jumping’s fun to do – TWO, etc)

5. Shake Your Sillies Out – Raffi

6. Go Bananas (camp song)

(I learned a slightly different version and we use several different kinds of fruit, but you can get the basic gist by clicking the link!)


NEW!!! Sometimes the Cube might include:

* The Shark Song – so much fun!

* Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree – another hit we wanted to do more often!!

* Old MacDonald (traditional)

* The Wheels on the Bus (traditional)

* Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes (traditional)