ABC & 123!

Here are the songs and activities we will be using this May!
(Reminder: No Story Time 6/1!)

Our opening, closing and counting songs that we use every week can be found HERE!

Finger Rhyme:

Let’s take a look at this book,
Here is the cover,
We open it wide,
Here are all the pages hidden inside,
There are words and pictures,
We look and we look,
And when we are finished,
We close up the book!

(Source: Jbrary)


The Alphabet Song! Continue reading

Itsy Bitsy Concepts

This April Itsy Bitsy Story Time focuses on CONCEPTS and OPPOSITES! Concepts are key to early language and reading development and they are learned in pairs that are opposites! For more information on this fascinating developmental milestone, check out this Super Duper Handy Handout!

Here are the songs and rhymes we will use this month:

Finger Rhyme: This is Big!

This is big, big, big. (Stretch hands far to side)
This is small, small, small. (Cup hands together over lap)
This is short, short, short. (Hold palms horizontally, close)
This is tall, tall, tall. (Hold palms horizontally, far apart)
This is fast, fast, fast. (roll hands quickly)
This is slow, slow, slow. (roll hands slowly)
This is yes, yes, yes. (nod)
This is no, no, no! (shake head) Continue reading

Songs & Rhymes for SPRING!

Finger Rhyme: Here is a Bunny

Here is a bunny with ears so funny, (make bunny ears with fingers of right hamd)
And here is a hole in the ground, (use left hand to make a hole)
When a noise he hears,
He pricks up his ears,
And he jumps in the hole in the ground!
(Make the “bunny” jump into the “hole”) Continue reading